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- 100 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 110 sp$=" "
- 120 print"[147][208]rint to ([211][146])creen or ([208][146])rinter:"
- 130 gosub 1000:if k$="s" then 300
- 200 open 4,4,7
- 210 print"[196]ouble [204]ine [211]pacing ?"
- 220 gosub 1000:if k$="y" then l=1
- 230 print"[196]ouble [215]idth ?"
- 240 gosub 1000:if k$="y" then w=1:print#4,chr$(14);
- 250 print"[147][208]rinting...":goto 310
- 300 open 4,3:print"[147][208]ress a [203]ey to [208]ause....";:w=1
- 310 open 2,8,2,"ge.info,s,r"
- 320 get#2,c$:if st>63 then 380
- 330 print#4,c$;
- 340 if c$=chr$(13) and l then print#4
- 350 if c$=chr$(13) and w=0 then print#4,sp$;
- 360 if peek(197)<>64 then 360
- 370 goto 320
- 380 close 2:close 4
- 390 end
- 1000 get k$:if k$="" then 1000
- 1010 return